I started by writing for magazines and websites and ventured into books in the early 1990s. My Field Guide series for Sasquatch Books in Seattle was a real eye opener and I’ve appeared on a bunch of TV shows because of this. See a list of current and out-of-print titles.
Public Speaker
As a twice-sponsored Humanities Washington Speaker, I’ve traveled the country sharing my passions through well-attended PowerPoint-illustrated presentations. Whatever the subject, my overall focus is on singing the praises of Nature.
I’m currently available to speak at your upcoming event or gathering on the following topics and more.

Sasquatch: Man-Ape or Myth
Learn about the Northwest’s mysterious Wild Man of the Woods from the author of The Sasquatch Seeker’s Field Manual. Sift through the evidence, both supporting and refuting this fascinating creature’s existence — and share your stories and views.

Heaven on the Half Shell
Introducing the Pacific Northwest’s most beloved bivalve, the oyster. This illustrated presentation begins with the earliest evidence of sea gardens and clam beds from 11,500 years ago and concludes with contemporary efforts to cultivate oysters, both native and introduced, along our Northwest coasts. Getting hungry? As the saying goes, “When the tide is out, the table is set.”
Land Slugs and Snails: Life in the Very Slow Lane

Sea Serpents, Lake Monsters and the Search for “Hidden Animals”
Cryptozoology, the study of so-called “hidden animals” (or cryptids) examines many unexplained creatures—the Loch Ness Monster, Abominable Snowman, and Mbolel Mkembe, a miniature dinosaur from swamps in central Africa. The highlight of this presentation is an in-depth discussion of Cadborosaurus, an aquatic cryptid frequently seen along the Pacific Northwest coast.

Experiencing Entomophagy: Are Insects the Food of the Future?

What’s Your Watershed Address?
Contact David George Gordon